Hello to my friends and family and anyone else who happens to wander across this blog!
My name is Erika, my husband's name is Joel, and we are the proud "parents" of a one-year old corgi named Gus. We actually celebrated Gus's first birthday today with some friends and family. We had a fun little party in the park. It was pretty windy and we had some trouble keeping the coals hot, the ice cream cake cold, and the plates on the table, but all in all, it was pretty perfect. :) Here are some fun pictures:

This is our little guy, Gus. His full name is Sir Gustav Von Beseler Thompson. Seriously. He's even registered under that name. He's pretty much the best dog ever.

Here are some of our friends and family in the park. The furry one is Winnie, Gus's cousin, the one in the green hat is Raleigh, the ADORABLE son of Joel's brother, Josh and his wife, Shyla (on the right hand side). Also in the picture is our good friend, Friedo, who is also my brother's best friend, my best friend's husband, and my past prom date. Hope that was clear!

Here is Gus and one of his best friends, Ally. Ally belongs to our human friends, Lacey and Rich.

Here we have Gus, Joel, and I and Gus's birthday present: a Burley cart! This way he can come along with Joel and I when we go biking. His little legs couldn't quite keep up with us before.
So, this is my first attempt at blogging. Feel free to offer feedback, as long as it's good. I won't make any promises about updating though. Peace and love, hugs and kisses, or whatever floats your boat... -E