- Do you like blue cheese? Nope.
- Have you ever smoked heroin? Definitely not.
- Do you own a gun? No.
- What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Don't have a sonic - gee these answers are boring.
- Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Depends on what the appointment is for... :)
- What do you think of hot dogs? Love them! Hebrew National are my favorite (highly recommend them!)
- Favorite Christmas Song? Silent Night
- What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee, delicious coffee
- Can you do pushups? Yes. DO I do pushups? Rarely.
- What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring (pretty typical answer, but it is true). It is one-of-a kind and worn with love!
- Your Favorite hobby? I love reading and really enjoy biking.
- Do you work with people who idolize you? Pretty sure I don't.
- Do you have A.D.D.? Nope.
- What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I take things personally too often - need to learn how to relax and brush things off more.
- Middle name? Lynne
- Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. Can't wait for the coffee Joel is grinding right now. Can't forget to let Howie back in from outside. My back kind of hurts - slept funny last night.
- Name 3 things you bought yesterday. Snap peas, baby potatoes, and walla walla sweet onions (I went to the farmer's market)
- Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Water, diet soda, coffee
- Current worry right now? Out of dog food. Need to pick some up today.
- Current hate right now? Mosquito bites (I can NOT leave them alone)
- Favorite place to be? Home with Joel, Gus and Howie.
- How did you bring in the New Year? Celebrating with Robbi & Friedo in Duluth and then enjoying the Childs' Annual New Year's Day party!
- Where would you like to go? Norway, Greece, a million other places but those two are the top
- Name three people who will complete this. I can't... maybe Robin?
- Whose answer do you want to read the most? I'm going to go with Robin's then :)
- What color shirt are you wearing? Faded blue (thanks for the Counteract T-shirt, Meeks)
- Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Eww. No. Linen or cotton all the way.
- Can you whistle? Yes.
- Favorite color(s)? Used to be pink... might be changing now. I've become quite a fan of green...
- Would you be a pirate? Yes!
- What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower, but if I did, I think it would be "Sir Duke" by Stevie Wonder
- Favorite girl's name? See answer to #33
- Favorite boy's name? I'm partial to "classic" names like Amelia and Henry
- What's in your pocket right now? No pockets, wearing sweaties.
- Last thing that made you laugh? Joel
- Best bed sheets as a child? Rainbow Bright
- Worst injury you've ever had? When I was 12 I cracked open my skull a little while rollerblading - had to get a section of my head shaved for the stitches.
- Do you love where you live? YES! I love Fargo and our house.
- How many TVs do you have in your house? Two, but we only use one.
- Who is your loudest friend? Since I am probably one of the loudest people ever, it is hard to think of a "loudest" friend. If I had to, I would say Kelsey or Morea since either of them can probably keep up with my "loudness" when necessary.
- How many dogs do you have? Two - Gustav and Howard (a.k.a. Gus and Howie, Gusbus and Howiebot, etc.)
- Does someone have a crush on you? I'm guessing not.
- What is your favorite article of clothing? Big fan of my Born shoes.
- What is your favorite book? Does the entire Harry Potter series count?
- What is your favorite candy? Chocolate-covered raisins
- What is your favorite sports team? The Bison!
- What song do you want played at your funeral? Amazing Grace
- What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Trying to stay awake through the entire movie, "Hairspray." I didn't make it.
- What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? It got stuffy in our bedroom with the fan off all night.
- Why was Question 50 missing? I don't know, but I've decided to create a new Question #50: If you won the lottery, what is one thing you would do with the money, not including donating to charity? I would walk into the gorgeous brick mansion on 8th Street and ask, "How much?"
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Survey from Dandelion Soup
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Look at your AWESOME gardens!!! I love it! So jealous of your fresh vegitables.
Miss you!
Yay! I'm glad you filled this out. I love your question 50. I'll answer it on my blog.
Also, love your garden. I'm so jealous :).
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