Joel and I are spending this Memorial Day weekend working on the landscaping around our house. It is a pretty big project for us - hauling 1200 lbs. of dirt, 1200 lbs. of brick, and doing lots and lots of digging, but it is coming along very well. Gus and Howie have been lots of "help" this weekend as well - keeping us company while we work in the yard. Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to:

Here is the torn up ground next to the garage - this is going to be a flower bed with a brick border (coming soon!). You'll notice that we have removed the (disgusting) sand from the sandbox and put in dirt for the garden (also coming soon!).

One of three deck boxes filled with delicious herbs. One of the most interesting is curry (on the right in this picture). We visited a great little farmer's market in West Fargo that had very nice looking herbs growing, and I couldn't resist.

Our newly installed brick lawn edging and our spirea bushes and a couple mums. The cedar chips smell amazing...

More mums and some hostas that are coming in nicely. Our little gnome watches over them and scares away hungry bunnies. We also found a little patch of rhubarb growing under the landscaping cloth back in the corner by the fence - very exciting!

Howie peeking out from under the fence.

Gus looking very regal as he waits for us to come back to the other side of the fence.

The front of the house (disregard the ugly grey tub). Looking pretty good, if I do say so myself! I'll try and get some "after" pictures of the backyard up once we get that done as well.
P.S. BIG thanks to Robbi and Friedo for letting us use their truck this weekend. It would have been difficult/impossible to haul the dirt and bricks in the civic. :) We appreciate you guys!
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